one team | one mission | one goal

Warrington Warriors Cheerleading
We are always in need of additional help on the sidelines. The success of our program depends upon our volunteer parents and coaches. Please consider volunteering as a head or assistant coach and let us know!
If you are interested in registering your child for the Warriors, and have questions, please contact us at Info@WarringtonFootball.com
Cheerleading practices will take place at King Field next to the snack stand. Day and times will be publish by each team prior to the season starting.
Included in registration girls will receive a body suit, bloomers and hair bow which they will keep. They will receive a uniform and poms that they will return at the end of the season. Each girl needs to have a pair of white sneakers, purchased on their own, for games.

Games begin at the end of August and last through the beginning of November, typically on Saturdays but sometimes on a Friday or Sunday. We do travel to away games. Cheerleaders are grouped by age based on birthdates. Cheer families will be given a uniform and poms which need to be returned and a crop top and bloomers that are not returned. Information to follow when the season starts.
Warrington Warriors offers Competition Cheerleading in addition to Sideline Football Cheerleading. Tryouts will occur in August or September - additional information will be provided at that time.